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You might be wondering how people are putting clouds to use. I’ve collected some (but definitely not all) of the most common use cases, starting simple and building to the more complex.

您可能想知道人们如何使用云。 我已经收集了一些(但绝对不是全部)最常见的用例,从简单开始,逐步发展为更复杂。

托管静态网站和复杂的Web应用程序 (Hosting Static Web Sites and Complex Web Applications)

The cloud can easily host a static web site built from static HTML pages, CSS style sheets, and images. In fact, the simplest of such sites can be hosted using only cloud storage, perhaps aided by a content distribution system.

云可以轻松地托管由静态HTML页面,CSS样式表和图像构建的静态网站。 实际上,此类站点中最简单的站点只能使用云存储来托管,也许可以借助内容分发系统进行托管。

More complex web sites, often with substantial server-side processing and access to a relational database, can also be hosted in the cloud. These sites make use of cloud storage and processing, and often require substantial processing and storage resources to attain the required scale.

更复杂的网站(通常具有大量的服务器端处理并可以访问关系数据库)也可以托管在云中。 这些站点使用云存储和处理,并且通常需要大量的处理和存储资源才能达到所需的规模。

软件开发生命周期支持 (Software Development Life Cycle Support)

The cloud is a good match for the resource requirements of each phase of the software development life cycle.


During development, using the cloud can ensure that developers have adequate resources for their work. Suppose that a team of developers are building a classic three-tier web application with web, application, and database tiers, each destined to reside on a separate physical server at deployment time. Without AWS, each developer would be supplied with three complete servers, each of which would sit idle for much of the day. Costs grow quickly when new developers are added to the project. Moving to the cloud means that each developer can spin up servers in the morning, develop and test all day, and then return the servers to the cloud at the end of the working day.

在开发过程中,使用云可以确保开发人员有足够的资源来开展工作。 假设一组开发人员正在构建一个具有Web,应用程序和数据库层的经典三层Web应用程序,每个层都打算在部署时驻留在单独的物理服务器上。 如果没有AWS,则每个开发人员都将获得三台完整的服务器,每台服务器在一天的大部分时间内都处于闲置状态。 将新的开发人员添加到项目中后,成本会快速增长。 迁移到云意味着每个开发人员都可以在早上启动服务器,全天进行开发和测试,然后在工作日结束时将它们返回到云。

The cloud is also valuable during software testing. Developers can spin up testing servers and run unit tests on them without burdening their development servers. If there are numerous unit tests, multiple parallel servers can be used to spread the load around.

在软件测试期间,云也很有价值。 开发人员可以启动测试服务器并在其上运行单元测试,而不会给开发服务器造成负担。 如果有大量的单元测试,则可以使用多个并行服务器来分散负载。

The cloud can be used to support a continuous integration environment. In such an environment, each source code commit operation initiates a multistep process of rebuilding, unit testing, and functional testing. If the code is being written for multiple target environments (several different versions or variants of Linux) or platforms (Windows and Linux), the cloud can be a very cost-effective alternative to owning your own infrastructure.

云可用于支持持续集成环境。 在这样的环境中,每个源代码提交操作都会启动一个重建,单元测试和功能测试的多步骤过程。 如果代码是针对多个目标环境(Linux的几个不同版本或变体)或平台(Windows和Linux)编写的,那么云可以是拥有自己的基础架构的一种非常经济高效的选择。

Load and performance testing can be done throughout each development cycle using cloud computing resources. If the application itself will run on the cloud, the testing will ensure that it performs well under a heavy load, adding additional resources as the load grows and removing them as it dissipates.

可以使用云计算资源在每个开发周期中完成负载和性能测试。 如果应用程序本身将在云上运行,则测试将确保它在重负载下运行良好,随着负载的增加添加更多资源,并在耗散时删除它们。

Testing the performance of a web application intended for public or enterprise deployment becomes easier when the cloud can supply the resources needed to conduct a test at a scale representative of the expected load. Several companies use cloud resources to generate loads that are the equivalent to hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users.

当云可以提供代表预期负载的规模进行测试所需的资源时,测试用于公共或企业部署的Web应用程序的性能将变得更加容易。 多家公司使用云资源来生成相当于数十万同时用户的负载。

Once the application has been deployed (perhaps also to the cloud), the cloud can supply the resources needed to perform compatibility tests when application middleware layers or common components are updated. Thorough testing can help establish the confidence needed to make substantial upgrades to a production system without the risk of downtime.

一旦部署了应用程序(也许还部署到了云),则在更新应用程序中间件层或通用组件时,云可以提供执行兼容性测试所需的资源。 全面的测试可以帮助建立对生产系统进行实质性升级所需的信心,而不会造成停机的风险。

训练 (Training)

The cloud can supply the short-term resources needed to support various types of training programs.


If students are learning how to install, run, and monitor the three-tier application described in the previous section, they can use their own laptops to access cloud resources allocated for the duration of the class. When the class is over for the day the resources are returned to the cloud. The students can start from a single “master” machine image and avoid wasting time (theirs or the instructor’s) installing and configuring required packages and applications.

如果学生正在学习如何安装,运行和监视上一节中介绍的三层应用程序,则可以使用自己的笔记本电脑访问在课堂期间分配的云资源。 当一天的课程结束时,资源将返回到云中。 学生可以从单个“主”机器映像开始,避免浪费时间(他们或老师的)来安装和配置所需的软件包和应用程序。

Traditional training classes must impose limits on class size corresponding to the restricted amount of physical hardware that they have available. Leading companies are now conducting online training seminars, backed by per-student cloud-based resources where an additional server is launched as each new student joins the class. This technique has been used by application and database software vendors with impressive results.

传统培训课程必须对课程规模施加限制,使其与他们可用的有限物理硬件数量相对应。 领先的公司现在正在举办在线培训研讨会,这些活动由基于学生的基于云的资源提供支持,随着每位新学生的加入,将启动额外的服务器。 应用程序和数据库软件供应商已使用此技术,并获得了令人印象深刻的结果。

演示版 (Demos)

Resources drawn from the cloud can be used to host and deliver demos and trial versions of packaged software applications. Vendors can place demos into the hands of potential customers while the lead is “hot,” rather than after the usual protracted delay while a suitable test environment is prepared. Application vendors can create and provide access to a server hosted in the cloud at low cost and on short notice. The sales cycle is shortened and customers have a good experience with the use of cloud-based resources. In some cases, cloud-based demos actually lead to cloud-based deployment.

从云中提取的资源可用于托管和交付打包软件应用程序的演示和试用版。 供应商可以在潜在客户“热销”期间将演示放到潜在客户手中,而不是在准备合适的测试环境后通常经过长时间的拖延。 应用程序供应商可以在短时间内以低成本创建并提供对云中托管的服务器的访问。 销售周期缩短,客户在使用基于云的资源方面拥有良好的经验。 在某些情况下,基于云的演示实际上导致了基于云的部署。

数据存储 (Data Storage)

The cloud is a good place to store private or public data. Scalability, long-term durability, and economy of scale are of paramount importance for this use case. The stored data could be as simple and compact as a few personal files for backup, or it could be as large and complex as a backup of a company’s entire digital assets, or anything in between.

云是存储私有或公共数据的好地方。 可伸缩性,长期耐用性和规模经济性对于此用例至关重要。 存储的数据可以像要备份的几个个人文件一样简单而紧凑,也可以像公司的整个数字资产的备份一样庞大或复杂,或者介于两者之间。

Often, use of storage in the cloud turns out to be an excellent first step, a step that inspires confidence and soon leads to considering the cloud for other, more complex, use cases.


灾难恢复与业务连续性 (Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity)

Enterprises with a mission-critical dependence on IT resources must have a plan in place to deal with any setback, be it a temporary or permanent loss of the resources or access to them. The plan must take into account the potential for fires, floods, earthquakes, and terrorist acts to disrupt a company’s operations. Many businesses maintain an entire data center in reserve; data is replicated to the backup center on occasion and the entire complex stands ready to be activated at a moment’s notice. Needless to say, the cost of building and running a duplicate facility is considerable.

关键任务依赖IT资源的企业必须制定计划以应对任何挫折,无论是资源的暂时或永久损失或对其的访问。 该计划必须考虑到火灾,洪水,地震和恐怖行为可能破坏公司运营的可能性。 许多企业保留了整个数据中心的备用资源。 有时会将数据复制到备份中心,并且随时可以立即激活整个系统。 不用说,建造和运行重复设施的成本相当可观。

Cloud computing, once again, offers a different way to ensure business continuity. Instead of wasting capital on hardware that will never be put to use under normal circumstances, the entire corporate network can be modeled as a set of cloud resources, captured in template form, and then instantiated when trouble strikes. In this particular use case, you’ll need to work with your cloud provider to ensure that the necessary resources will be available when you need them.

云计算再一次提供了另一种方式来确保业务连续性。 与其将资本浪费在通常情况下永远不会使用的硬件上,不如将整个公司网络建模为一组云资源,以模板形式捕获,然后在出现故障时实例化。 在此特定用例中,您需要与您的云提供商合作,以确保在需要时可以使用必要的资源。

Once the corporate network has been modeled for business continuity purposes, other interesting uses come to mind. Traditionally, widespread deployment of updated versions of middleware and shared applications components require substantial compatibility and performance testing. This task is fraught with peril! Many companies find themselves slowly slipping behind: they’re unable to deploy the newest code due to limitations in their ability to fully test before deployment, and unwilling to risk facing the consequences of a failed deployment.

一旦为业务连续性建模了公司网络,就会想到其他有趣的用途。 传统上,广泛部署中间件和共享应用程序组件的更新版本需要大量的兼容性和性能测试。 这个任务充满了危险! 许多公司发现自己慢慢地落后了:由于在部署之前进行全面测试的能力受到限制,他们无法部署最新的代码,并且不愿冒险面对部署失败的后果。

Imagine spinning up a full copy (or a representative, scaled-down subset) of the corporate network, along with specified versions of the application components to be tested, and then running compatibility and load tests on it, all in the cloud, and at a very reasonable cost.


媒体处理和渲染 (Media Processing and Rendering)

A number of popular web sites support uploading of media files: music, still images, or videos. Once uploaded the files undergo a number of processing steps, which can be compute-intensive, I/O intensive, or both. Files of all types are scanned for viruses and other forms of malware. Music is fingerprinted (to check for copyright violations) and then transcoded to allow for playback at different bit rates. Images are scaled, watermarked, checked for duplication, and rendered in different formats. Videos are also transcoded and scaled, and sometimes broken into shorter chunks. Finally, the finished objects are stored and made available for online viewing or downloading.

许多受欢迎的网站都支持媒体文件的上载:音乐,静止图像或视频。 上传后,文件将经历许多处理步骤,这些步骤可能需要大量计算,I / O或两者兼有。 扫描所有类型的文件以查找病毒和其他形式的恶意软件。 音乐经过指纹识别(以检查是否侵犯版权),然后进行转码以允许以不同的比特率播放。 图像被缩放,加水印,检查是否重复并以不同格式呈现。 视频也经过转码和缩放,有时分成更短的块。 最后,完成的对象将被存储并可供在线查看或下载。

Rendering uses a scene description to generate frames for an animated movie. Each frame can be rendered independently of the others. There’s comparatively little input data, but plenty of output data. The process is compute-intensive, since each pixel of each frame must be computed, taking into account light, shadow, color, and motion.

渲染使用场景描述为动画电影生成帧。 每个框架都可以独立于其他框架进行渲染。 输入数据相对较少,但是输出数据却很多。 该过程是计算密集型的,因为必须计算每帧的每个像素,并要考虑到光线,阴影,颜色和运动。

Cloud computing is ideal for processing and rendering use cases due to the amount of storage, processing, and internet bandwidth they can consume.


商业和科学数据处理 (Business and Scientific Data Processing)

Scientific and business data processing often involves extremely large-scale data sets and can consume vast amounts of CPU power. Analysis is often done on an on-demand basis, leading to over-commitments of limited internal resources. In fact, I’m told that many internal scientific compute grids routinely flip between 0% usage (absolutely no work to be done) and 100% usage (every possible processor is in use). This is a particularly acute problem on university campuses, where usage heats up before the end of the semester and before major conferences.

科学和业务数据处理通常涉及非常大规模的数据集,并且会消耗大量CPU能力。 分析通常是按需进行的,从而导致内部资源有限的超额使用。 实际上,有人告诉我,许多内部科学计算网格通常会在0%的使用率(绝对不做任何工作)和100%的使用率(使用所有可能的处理器)之间进行切换。 在大学校园里,这是一个特别严重的问题,在大学校园里,使用率在学期结束前和大型会议之前会升温。

Business data processing can be ad hoc (unscheduled) or more routine; monthly payroll processing and daily web log processing come to mind as very obvious use cases for cloud computing. A large, busy web site is capable of generating tens of gigabytes of log file data in each 24-hour period. Due to the amount of business intelligence that can be mined from the log files, analysis is a mission-critical function. Gaining access to the usage data on a more timely basis enables better site optimization and a quicker response to changes and trends. The daily analysis process starts to take long and longer, and at some point begins to take almost 24 hours. Once this happens, heavily parallel solutions are brought to bear on the problem, consuming more resources for a shorter amount of time—a perfect case for cloud computing.

业务数据处理可以是临时的(计划外的)或更多常规的; 想到每月薪资处理和每日Web日志处理是非常明显的云计算用例。 一个繁忙的大型网站能够在每个24小时内生成数十GB的日志文件数据。 由于可以从日志文件中挖掘大量的商业智能,因此分析是一项关键任务功能。 可以更及时地访问使用情况数据,从而可以更好地进行站点优化,并更快地响应更改和趋势。 日常分析过程开始需要花费越来越长的时间,有时甚至要花费将近24小时。 一旦发生这种情况,就会采用高度并行的解决方案来解决该问题,从而在较短的时间内消耗更多的资源,这是云计算的完美案例。

溢出处理 (Overflow Processing)

As companies begin to understand the benefits that cloud computing brings, they look for solutions that allow them to use their existing IT resources for routine work, while pushing the extra work to the cloud. It’s like bringing in temporary workers to handle a holiday rush.

随着公司开始了解云计算所带来的好处,他们在寻找解决方案,以允许他们将现有的IT资源用于日常工作,同时将额外的工作推向云计算。 这就像引进临时工来处理假期。

Overflow processing allows companies to become comfortable with the cloud. They find more and more ways to use the cloud as their confidence level increases, and as the amount of vital corporate data already present in the cloud grows.

溢出处理使公司可以适应云计算。 随着置信度的提高,以及云中已经存在的重要公司数据量的增长,他们找到了越来越多的使用云的方法。

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